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Discover The Promise Tome I

​A book written by Natasha PIERRE

Available on Amazon !

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About the book

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also…”
(John 14:1-3)

Life is an ordinary teenager, funny, sociable, adventurous but one thing sets her apart: her heart. She dreams of perpetuating the love that her father, Mr. Loyalty, transmitted to her through the education of the Glory Kingdom. Life is in the process of learning for her calling and will experience extraordinary adventures. She will meet several people along her way, which will help her discern the good from the bad in everyday life.


This book covers biblical teachings intended for young and old. The story shows the parallel between the material world in which we live and the invisible spiritual world. How can we live in current times while keeping our eyes fixed on the Promise we have received?

- Natasha Pierre, the author -

  • Why are you writing this book?


In fact, I write this book with the aim of explaining to children, parents and families what is really going on around them.

That without God as the central founder of their home environment, it is impossible to live peacefully, happily, and victorious in the trials of life.


  • Why a children's book?


I love children, their innocence and their faith to believe without asking too many questions, not to mention the fact that the Bible invites us to be like them.
I would like to think that, as much as possible, we should preserve and protect what they have owned since birth. As we have heard so clearly, it is from the cradle that they must be instilled in them social, societal and even more, spiritual values, especially in the world in which we live.


  • Why is the theme of Jesus close to your heart?


Jesus tells us to let the children come to him. In our society, we let our children go in the opposite direction: television, video games, cell phone, etc. Lack of time, money or simply weariness. I believe that the time has come to remedy this for future generations. We are called to perpetuate the kingdom of God with little warriors trained from the breast, as Christ asks of us.

All to the glory of Jesus!

Hide and Seek


I started this book out of curiosity, 
I continued for pleasure. It’s a great way to better 
understand fundamental values for young and old. 
I highly recommend it.

Salome, digital project manager

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